I feel hopeful that with The Rupert Murdoch News of the World story, and the expanded reporting in newspapers including the Sacramento Bee, of misdeeds by local and state governmental officials -- change may be in the air. My optimistic side feels as if this could be a start to the pendulum beginning ever so slowly the shift back to honesty and integrity in our corporations and government.
The Rupert Murdoch story is particularly interesting as it shows us how pervasive the connections and corruption was/is. It reached all the way to the Prime Minister, Scotland Yard, the Wall Street Journal and Fox News. In fact this morning it was reported that Fox News was trying to lobby New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to run for President. One reporter even wrote that News of the World operated like an organized crime syndicate.
This incident has allowed us insight as to all the many organizations/people at the very highest level of government that were compromisable and compromised. Incredulously those that were sworn to protect -- police and watchdog organizations, were also involved. Do we truly think that the United States or California is any different? I don't think so.
Individuals who are honest and have integrity don't make it to positions of influence or power anymore. Nearly all of our businesses and governmental organizations are run by people who are all about money -- the mean green. We need to bring another reward system back -- ethics, morality, patriotism, some non-commercial human thing--that prevents this destructive and self serving behavior by our leaders.
How about leaders feeling a sense of self-satisfaction that they have done a job well done? How about that they feel useful to society and that their life has some deeper meaning? How about at the end of the day they can feel good that they have instilled a sense of ethics and morality in their workers which will carry on? How about that?
I have a faint ray of hope because I do believe that morality is built into our human DNA....
More on that subject next week....
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