Have you ever noticed that there are co-workers of yours who are just busy going about the business of their job? They work efficiency and effectively. They take the time to teach and train other employees. They readily share their knowledge. Often times these employees are not in any chain of command -- they are the quiet leaders in an organization.
Many highly effective employees are these quiet leaders. They do not seek recognition and they do not do what they do for recognition or to get ahead. They are competent within themselves and they do not step on others just to get a promotion.
These quiet leaders within organizations are often the glue that holds a group together. While others are off grandstanding, hoarding information and politicking, these employees are keeping the wheels on the train and are busy accomplishing their part of the organization's mission.
The sad part is that unless one really pays attention, most executive leaders to not know that these workers exist or how valuable they are. When I used to work, there was a Division that was so well managed -- they were exceedingly productive, had very few personnel issues and all worked well together. The executive leaders often said that this Division "ran itself". As the HR Director, I was amazed. I knew that nothing ran itself. The fact was that these leaders were focused on their goals, were unassuming, shared with, trained and acknowledged their employees' contributions. They did it so well that it looked effortless -- but it was not.
Why is it the squeaky wheel gets all attention -- even if negative? These types of employees are like children, they will get attention one way or the other. The quietly effective people have no need to get this level of attention -- however, on occasion they do require validation.
Hopefully your leaders are acknowledging these unsung and unseen quiet leaders. If they are not occasionally acknowledged for their contributions, they may just take all of their expertise and contributions elsewhere. Then everyone will soon notice that the wheels are beginning to come off the train....unfortunately, often times it is too late. Take a look around, become aware of those people that help and support you -- maybe you too are one of them --
So here is a big shoot out to all of you quiet leaders -- maybe others do not see you, but I know you exist. Thank you for all that you do!
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