As some of you have noticed, I have not been posting blogs for several months. At first it was not intentional; I was just very busy in late summer. After a while I decided that I needed some time to reflect on why I was doing this and if I had the passion to continue.
I discovered that what was frustrating me and making me not want to continue, was that I wanted to see some results for my efforts. I wanted people to change, businesses to be honest and leaders to lead and treat their employees with respect. In other words, I wanted instant gratification. And since we are a nation that expects instant gratification, why would I think I would be any different. I wanted to think that what I did and said mattered and could bring about results. I realized that I was being completely unrealistic (my ego was getting in the way), but I thought that my blogging was an exercise in futility, so why continue?
By giving myself some time and taking a step back (to give my self some space), I began to understand that I NEEDED to say the words that I write. I am responsible for getting my words out into the universe, but I am not responsible for what happens to them once I write them. Would I like to effect change -- you betcha ya. But maybe just maybe if one person reads this and it makes a difference in their viewpoint or my words offer a degree of solace to someone -- that will be enough.
Things in our world, our culture, and our workplaces do not change overnight. They did not get the way they are overnight -- it was bit by bit by little tiny bit. Suddenly 30 years passed and everything changed. So if things are to change again, it will be that same way; bit by little tiny bit. No wonder there is the saying "Patience is a virtue."
I am here to say, with my newly found patience -- I AM BACK!!